What The Eagles' Super Bowl Win Means For Philadelphia & Me
It finally happened. After 52 years, the Philadelphia Eagles delivered a Super Bowl win for the city of Philadelphia. As a Philadelphia native, I can't even describe my emotions to see the Eagles finally win. Because of the time difference between London and Minneapolis-- where this year's Super Bowl was hosted--, it was after 3 am when the game ended. I stayed up all night, video chatting with friends and family across the USA, posting on social media, and engaging with online friends. It was amazing to receive so many congratulation messages from non-Eagles fans and watch the reactions of Eagles fans around the world. This truly was a moment!
My second year in Undergrad, the Eagles finally made it to the Super Bowl and lost to the New England Patriots 24-21. To face the Patriots again and win made it just that much more magical.
There's no better depiction of Philadelphia fans than in Silver Linings Playbook, starring Philadelphia native Bradley Cooper
Many people don't know this, but I wasn't born in Philadelphia. Oddly enough, I was born in Minneapolis because of my mother's university ties. I moved to Philly when I was 5- years-old. I still remember when I was eight, asking my brother Nenneth (5 years my senior), to explain to me the rules of the game and most importantly to teach me "Eagles 101". You see, even though this is the Eagle's first championship win, game day in Philly is very much a part of the culture. And at eight-years-old, I wanted in. So my brother began the lesson by telling me about Randall Cunningham, former quarterback of the Eagles for 16 seasons and former defensive lineman "The Refridgerator".
Randall Cunningham
William "The Refrigerator" Perry
This win brings the city of Philadelphia championships in ALL professional sports and keeps Philly at top 10 cities with most sports championships.
Philadelphia 76ers (NBA)
Philadelphia Phillies (MLB)
Philadelphia Flyers (NHL)
Sure Philadelphia fans (especially Eagles fans) are known to demonstrate bad behavior. We deservingly have a bad rep. It's no surprise the city went mad after winning the Super Bowl. Damn it--we waited 52 years, and welp we didn't wanna disappoint the critics.
~Signed Chantal Victoria — Writer, Publisher, and Academic.
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