The Academy
Chantal Victoria Bright
Working Thesis Title: “Water Security, Peace and Fragility in Liberia: An African Ecofeminist Approach”
Geography PhD candidate, University of Manchester (UK)
Academic Profile
Research Aims
This study aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between gender, water security, and peace in conflict-affected situations in sub-Saharan Africa using Liberia as a case study. The study will address the issues related to the challenges in reducing vulnerabilities to gender-based violence linked to water access and examine the constraints on women securing water for domestic use and livelihood in Liberia. The research supports a feminist intervention in peacebuilding to discover how women can contribute to effective peacebuilding and provide sustainable solutions to water challenges in conflict-affected settings.
Research Interests
Water and Sanitation Access, Water and Peace, Gender Studies, Gender-based Violence and the Environment, Fragility, Conflict, and Violence, Environmental Justice, Liberian Studies, West Africa.
In May 2021, the Methods for Change Showcase event invited social sciences postgraduate researchers from the Aspect network to contribute to an online Poster Gallery. I am pleased to share I was 1 of 6 postgraduate researchers profiled in the gallery. Here's a reflection of our experiences.
Awards and Leadership
Each year, the President and Vice-Chancellor invites nominations for the prestigious Distinguished Achievement Awards.
Postgraduate Research Student of the Year: Chantal Victoria Bright, Faculty of Humanities.
Chantal and Lemn Sissay OBE—British author and broadcaster.
London School of Economics Global Health Initiative
Doing too much in the first year of my PhD.